The Firebird of Rio 读后课教案
发布时间:2024/2/27 13:35:30 作者:包香 浏览量:2365次
Title | The Firebird of Rio——Lesson 2 | ||
语篇研读 | 【what】本书属于“人与社会”主题语境下的故事类语篇,是一个35大全免费印刷图库给凤凰涂颜色的故事。本书主要讲述了两个好朋友Victor Lopez和Carlos Garcia被选来为里约热内卢狂欢节彩车上的凤凰涂颜色。在完成这项工作的过程中,Victor和Carlos一开始各执己见,Victor认为凤凰是金色的,而Carlos认为凤凰是红色的。Carlos偷偷将凤凰涂成红色,这令Victor非常生气,两人又发生了争执。在争执过程中,Victor和Carlos把颜料涂到了对方的脸上,两人大笑。最终,他们一起合作完成了涂色的工作。本书呈现了真正的友谊是学会妥协和合作的主题意义。 【why】本书围绕两个好朋友Victor和Carlos为凤凰涂色的故事展开,通过讲述他们在完成这项工作的过程中,从开始的各执己见到最后的合作完成,旨在引导学生理解真正的友谊是学会妥协和合作的主题意义。本书的故事贴近学生的生活,具有很强的现实意义和教育意义。 【how】本书属于记叙文体裁,采用了一般过去时的时态,按照时间顺序讲述了整个故事。全书共分为四个章节:第一章主要介绍了故事的背景信息,Victor和Carlos被选来为里约热内卢狂欢节彩车上的凤凰涂色,但是两人对于凤凰的颜色意见并不统一;第二章主要讲述了Carlos偷偷地将凤凰涂成红色,两人为此发生了冲突;第三章描述了两个小伙伴在争执中将颜料涂到了对方的脸上,因而大笑,化解了争执;第四章主要描述Victor和Carlos各退一步,互相合作完成了工作。Victor和Carlos最终明白了友谊的真正含义,也通过这个故事,让读者们明白真正的友谊是学会妥协和互相合作。 | ||
学情分析 | 本书授课对象为七年级学生,经过小学的英语学习,他们已经掌握了一定的语言知识、语言技能和阅读能力,但是阅读策略、思维品质和学习能力亟待提升。本书话题贴近学生真实的生活经验,情节简单易懂却寓意深刻,学生阅读兴趣和探索欲望较强。 | ||
教学目标 | 通过本节课的学习,学生能够: 1. 通过细读书本第三、第四章,获取细节信息,概括故事的经过和结尾,为后续归纳主要人物性格和故事主题做铺垫; 2. 通过故事图片排序,回顾书本整体内容,梳理概括整个事件的发展经过; 3. 通过概括主要人物言行,把握主要人物性格,并以角色扮演对话的形式演绎故事高潮部分的情节。 4. 通过讨论,探究书本深层主题意义:真正的友谊是尊重、理解、妥协和合作。 | ||
教学重难点 | 教学重点: 1. 通过细读书本第三、第四章,获取细节信息,概括故事的经过和结尾,为后续归纳主要人物情感变化和故事主题做铺垫; 2. 通过故事图片排序,回顾书本整体内容,梳理概括整个事件的发展经过。 教学难点: 1. 通过概括主要人物言行,把握主要人物情感的变化,并以角色扮演对话的形式演绎故事高潮部分的情节。 2. 通过讨论,探究书本深层主题意义:真正的友谊是尊重、理解、妥协和合作。 | ||
教学方法 | 任务型教学法与交际教学法相结合 | ||
教学评一体的教学设计 | |||
教学目标 | 学习活动 | 设计意图 | 教学效果评价 |
1. 通过细读书本第三、第四章,获取细节信息,概括故事的经过和结尾,为后续归纳主要人物性格和故事主题做铺垫。
| After reading Review Chapter 3 and Chapter 4 in details. Chapter 3 Painting Angry Faces Plot: view and analyze Teacher leads students to read on their own and asks the following questions. Q1:What made their problems even worse? Predicted answers: Victor brushed gold paint on Carlos’s face. Carlos wiped wet gold on Victor’s nose. Q2:Why weren’t both of the boys willing to compromise? Predicted answers: Each of them thought his own opinion was better. They were not willing to listen to others. Q3:Was there a turning point of their problem? Predicted answers: Victor laughed and laughed. Carlos laughed, too. Q4:Why did they laugh and what did it mean? Predicted answers: The laughter broke the ice! view and discuss Teacher leads students to discuss the following questions. Q1:What else can help reduce conflicts between friends? Predicted answers: A hug, warming notes, a small gift and so on.
Chapter 4 Compromise Is Golden Plot: view and analyze Teacher leads students to read on their own and asks the following questions. Q1:What color was the firebird at last? Predicted answers: Red and gold. Q2:Why did they think the firebird look wonderful? Only because of the color? Predicted answers: Not only because of the color but also because of their friendship. view and discuss Teacher leads students to discuss the following questions. Q1:What does “golden” mean here? Predicted answers: Something valuable, precious and meaningful.
| 通过细读第三、第四章的内容,回顾、获取细节信息。引导学生分析故事发展过程,以及最后解决问题的方法和原因,引发学生思考,同时为后面的主题意义归纳做好铺垫。
| 教师通过聆听学生的回答,观察学生是否掌握文章细节,是否能够通过分析讨论出主人公解决问题的转折点和方法,必要时给予一定的引导和帮助。
2. 通过重新梳理故事发展的脉络,给故事图片排序,回顾书本整体内容,梳理书本主要结构。
| After reading—Plot Read and put the events in the correct order. (1) Teacher shows the pictures about the story and asks students to put them in correct order. (2) Teacher leads students to summarize the development of the whole story.
| 通过对图片排序和梳理概括创造发明的过程,帮助学生重新回顾故事的发展脉络。
| 根据学生的回答,判断学生是够熟悉故事内容,是否能够理清人物关系和故事发展顺序。
3. 通过阅读文本细节,归纳出人物情感的变化,把握主要人物的性格,并创造性演绎故事结尾的情节。
After reading—Emotional changes 1. Read and answer. Teacher leads students to analyze the boys’ emotional changes. Q1:Where were their feelings? How do you know that? Q2:What were their inner thoughts at that time? 2. Act it out. Teacher leads students to work in pairs to act out the whole story. Pay attention to their emotional changes.
4. 通过讨论,探究本书深层的主题意义。
| After reading—Theme Teacher leads students to have a pair work and discuss the theme of the story. Q:What are the themes of the story? Predicted answer: Respect, understand, compromise and cooperation.
| 通过小组讨论等方式,学生提炼出本书的主题意义:真正的友谊是尊重、理解、妥协和合作. | 通过学生的回答以及帮助同学的方式方法,观察学生的语言组织能力,以及判断学生是否真正理解主题意义。 |
作业设计 | Reread the whole story and finish the reading files about this book. |