The Spanish Doll of Barcelona 导读教案
发布时间:2024/3/6 13:32:16 作者:包香 浏览量:2446次
Title | The Spanish Doll of Barcelona—Lesson 1 | ||
语篇研读 | 【what】本书属于“人与社会”主题语境下的故事类语篇,是一个35大全免费印刷图库传递善意的故事。本书主要讲述了Carmen在即将参加《西班牙娃娃》试演前,收到了来自竞争对手Aina的真挚祝福。这份祝福让她备受鼓舞,克服了试演的紧张情绪。试演结束后,她偶然遇到正坐在门口哭泣的Aina。原来Aina的舞鞋坏掉了,因而无法参加试演。Carmen主动将自己的舞鞋,甚至是幸运的象征物——发卡,都借给了Aina,帮助她完成试演。 【why】本书通过Carmen和Aina两个小姑娘之间传递善意的故事,使读者明白,在生活中,不经意的善意会给他人带来莫大的力量。此外,善意在人与人之间是可以传递的。同时,面对比赛,要有良好正确的心态,友谊第一,比赛第二。竞争对手之间,也应该互相鼓励,互相帮助。本书的故事贴近学生的生活,具有很强的现实意义和教育意义。 【how】本书属于记叙文体裁,采用了一般过去时的时态,按照时间顺序讲述了整个故事。全书共分为四个章节:第一章主要讲述了Carmen收到来自母亲的新舞鞋,介绍了故事的背景信息;第二章主要讲述了Carmen偶然收到了来自竞争对手Aina的真挚祝福,她感到有些困惑;第三章是35大全免费印刷图库Carmen的试演过程,以及Aina的祝福在试演过程中带给她的力量;第四章主要描述Carmen将舞鞋和发卡借给Aina去试演,完成了善意的回馈。第四章是本书的高潮部分,一方面展现了Aina因为自己的善良得到了回报,另一方面也帮助读者理解了友谊第一、比赛第二的真谛。 | ||
学情分析 | 本书授课对象为七年级学生,他们已经掌握了一定的语言知识、语言技能和阅读能力,但是阅读策略、思维品质和学习能力亟待提升。本书内容贴近学生的日常生活,能引起学生共鸣,情节简单易懂却寓意深刻,学生能较快掌握文本内容和主题意义,学生阅读兴趣和探索欲望较强。 | ||
教学目标 | 通过本节课的学习,学生能够:
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教学重难点 | 教学重点: 通过观察本书封面和目录,对本书背景信息和本书内容有初步预测。 教学难点: 通过细读本书第一、第二章,整体感知文本,获取细节信息,并通过人物行为,分析人物情绪及性格特征,对故事后续发展进行预测。 | ||
教学评一体的教学设计 | |||
教学目标 | 学习活动 | 设计意图 | 效果评价 |
| Pre-reading
Teacher asks students to look at the book cover and share the information they find from the cover.
Teacher explains the meaning of “flamenco” and “audition” and asks students to predict what the story is probably about. Predicted answer: It may be a story about showing kindness to others. | 通过分析本书封面和目录,了解本书背景信息,并且预测故事内容,为后续本书阅读做铺垫。
| 教师通过聆听学生的回答,观察学生是否关注到封面和目录传递的潜在信息。 |
2.通过细读本书第一、第二章,整体感知文本,获取细节信息,并通过人物行为,分析人物情绪及性格特征,对故事后续发展进行预测。 | While reading Plot: New Flamenco Shoes
Teacher leads students to read on their own and fill in the blanks. Q:What do you think of Carmen’s mama? Predicted answers: She tried to support her daughter and valued the audition too.
Teacher leads students to read on their own and asks the following questions. Q1:How did Carmen prepare for the coming audition? Predicted answers: Carmen went over her dance in her head. She had been practicing all week. She dreamed of playing the lead part. Q2:What do you think of Carmen? Predicted answers: Be hard-working and eager(热切的) for the role. Q3:How did Carmen feel about the gift? Predicted answers: She was very satisfied and excited.
Plot: Unexpected Kindness
Teacher leads students to read on their own and shows the underlined sentences. Q1:Why did Carmen stop dancing when seeing Aina? Predicted answers: Aina was also trying out for the lead part. Q2:What do you think of Aina according to the underlined sentences? Predicted answers: Aina was was good at dancing. Teacher concludes that Aina was a strong opponent(对手) for the lead role. Q3:What do you think of Carmen? Predicted answers: Be cautious(谨慎的) about her opponent.
Teacher leads students to read on their own and think about the unexpected kindness. Q1:What was the unexpected kindness? Predicted answers: Good luck with the audition. May your dreams come true. The true wishes from Aina to Carmen. Q2:Why was the kindness unexpected? Predicted answers: It was from the opponent. Q3:What might contribute to Aina’s kindness? Predicted answers: Maybe because Carmen’s father put a sweet into Aina’s bag.
Q:What may the kindness lead to in the following story?
| 通过细读第一章、第二章内容,获取更多细节信息,了解故事前期背景。通过人物语言、行为等,引导学生分析人物的情绪和个性特征,提升学生的归纳总结能力,同时为进一步了解本书后续内容做好铺垫。
| 教师通过聆听学生的回答,观察学生是否掌握文章细节,是否根据人物语言、行为能够分析人物的情绪和个性特征,必要时给予一定的引导和帮助。 |
作业设计 | Finish the reading journal according to the reading plan. |