Where Did You Get That Chocolate 导读课教案
发布时间:2024/3/24 13:30:50 作者:包香 浏览量:1938次
Title | Where Did You Get That Chocolate?—Lesson 1 | ||
语篇研读 | 【what】本文属于“人与社会”主题语境下的说明文语篇,介绍了巧克力的种类、口味、原材料、制作过程和发展史,体现历史变迁、文化沟通与文化多元的主题意义。 【why】本文通过介绍巧克力的种类、食用方式和发展历程,让读者理解发明创造对人类生活发展的贡献,以及各区域之间人们的沟通和相互影响。 【how】本文属于说明文体裁,结构清晰,运用了一般过去时、一般现在时、现在完成时等时态和被动语态,生动地展现了巧克力原料的生长、制作和发展过程,呈现食物说明文的介绍方法。全书共4个章节,第一章介绍巧克力的种类和口味;第二章介绍可可树生长环境和特点;第三章介绍巧克力的制作过程;第四章介绍巧克力的发展过程和变化。 | ||
学情分析 | 本文授课对象为七年级学生,他们已经掌握了一定的语言知识、语言技能和阅读能力,但是阅读策略、思维品质和学习能力亟待提升。本文话题贴近学生的生活和饮食经验,第二自己安排联系学生实际生活,文章图文并茂,简单易懂却寓意深刻,学生阅读兴趣和探索欲望较强。 | ||
教学目标 | 通过本节课的学习,学生能够:
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教学重难点 | 教学重点: 1.通过观察书本封面﹑目录和插图,对本书介绍的对象和大致情节有初步了解和预测; 2.通过细读书本第一、第二章,整体感知文本,梳理细节信息,构建信息图式,初步形成对于巧克力种类和口味的正确认知。 教学难点: 3.了解墨西哥饮食文化中巧克力的使用,联系中国传统饮食中黄豆的多种食用方式,加深对本土饮食文化的认识。
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教学评一体的教学设计 | |||
教学目标 | 学习活动 | 设计意图 | 效果评价 |
| Pre-reading 1. Guessing game Teacher shows the hints and leads students to guess about the topic. Hint1: I’m sometimes dark but I’m not a room with curtains. Hint2: I’m sometimes melted but I’m not an ice cube. Hint3: I’m sometimes a bar but I’m not made of metal. Q: What is it?
Teacher asks the following questions about chocolate to activate students’ background information or personal experiences towards the topic. Q1: Do you like chocolate? Q2: What type of chocolate do you like? Q3: How is your favorite chocolate made? 玩法 3. Cover reading —information from the cover Teacher leads students to read the cover carefully. Q1: What is the book mainly about? Predicted answers: Chocolate. Q2:What do you want to know about chocolate? Predicted answers: The types of chocolate. The history of chocolate. The steps of making chocolate. | 通过猜谜游戏激趣并引出关键词——巧克力。通过师生课前谈话,将本课讨论主题与学生实际生活相联系,为接下来的阅读做铺垫。
通过观察书本封面,对本书介绍的对象和大致情节有初步了解和预测。 | 通过观察学生的回答和互动,了解学生对巧克力背景知识的掌握程度。 |
通过细读文本,引导学生在文章中寻找有关baker’s chocolate信息,完成信息表,并思考巧克力酱的多种使用途径,为引出下文墨西哥饮食文化做铺垫。
通过介绍可可树的背景知识,拓宽学生知识面,降低学生自主阅读难度。 | While reading: Information from the content Scan and match: Teacher leads students to scan the contents and match the main idea with each chapter.
Chapter 1
Teacher leads students to scan Chapter 1 quickly and find how many kinds of chocolate are mentioned. Predicted answers: Hot/cold chocolate, chocolate ice cream, chocolate sauces, chocolate cookies ...
Teacher leads students to read the details and fill in the profile/task sheet. Q1: Do you know different flavors of chocolate?
Teacher leads students to discuss what benefits chocolate can bring us? Q2: Which kind of chocolate bars is your favourite? Why?
Teacher shows students a picture of a piece of chocolate cake and leads them to discuss the ingredients of it. Among these ingredients, baker’s chocolate will be introduced later. Q3: What else can we get from chocolate?
? About baker’s chocolate
Q: What can be chocolate sauce used for? Predicted answers: Sweets/baking/cooking.
Teacher shows students a pie chart about the ingredients of mole.
Teacher leads students to read on their own and think about what similar food can be used in cooking. Predicted answer: Soybean.
Chapter 2 While-reading
Teacher leads students to read on their own to find the places where cacao trees grow.
Complete a information card about cacao tress. Name_______ Height_______ Feature______
Q: What will the writer probably talk about in the following chapter? (1) How do cocoa seeds turn into chocolate? (2) How do people make chocolate with rich flavors? | 通过分析书本目录,了解书本背景信息和各章节主旨大意。
深入细读文本,用信息表格形式引导学生寻找有关baker’s chocolate信息。由baker’s chocolate引导学生思考巧克力的多种用途——甜食、烘焙、料理。
| 通过观察学生回答和课堂互动,了解学生对文章结构和内容的理解。
| Post-reading:Reading plan Day 1 Finish reading Chapter 3 Day 2 Finish reading Chapter 4 Day 3 Read the whole book again |
作业设计 |
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板书设计 | 板书即时生成,升华和凸显本课主题意义。 |